Monday 15 September 2014

Moving from Fear to Trust

The Law of Attractions states that we will bring what we think about into our lives. Affirmations are supposed to make it easier for us to do this. However, when most people first begin using the Law of Attraction, they feel that none of their affirmations seem to work. They seem to be doing everything as per plan - think of positive affirmations, repeat them daily and wait for their desires to come true. Unfortunately they also harbour inner feelings of worry that the universal spirit is not going to answer or disbelief that they can actually get all these goodies in their lives without working really hard to get them. These feelings act as a barrier and don't allow the universe to send these people what they are affirming for.

 “I go beyond barriers into possibilities” Louise L. Hay's affirmation in her book Heal Your Life Meditations can help overcome this problem.

Leave Your Comfort Zone

Each one of us has tested our limits as a young child. Think back to remember what a fearless baby you were. Then you fell, got cut on sharp edges, burnt by fire, and a whole lot more. Your sense of invulnerability disappeared behind the reality of physical hurts and pain. The new experiences insisted that you define a safe zone where you would not get hurt. This became your comfort zone. Within its limitations you knew you could not get hurt, unfortunately within this comfort zone you cannot experience change, and that is essentially to growing spiritually. Only when you are willing to change by releasing your old limiting beliefs and leaving your comfort zone behind can you truly harness the power of the Law of Attraction.  

Fear and Trust are Two Sides of the Same Coin

Once you leave your comfort zone, you leave fear behind and begin to trust that the universe will provide your needs for you. This begins with little steps like asking for a free parking spot when you go to the market or perhaps having a book available to borrow in the library. With each wish that gets fulfilled you begin to develop a stronger measure of trust that the universe does care, and will respond to your affirmations. Then you can scale up what you ask for to include anything from a free holiday in Goa to a great deal when buying a car. You could even affirm for your ideal home and even a soul mate. Go crazy and ask for whatever you want as long as you trust that the universe will give you what you require.

This or Something Better

When asking the universe for something you have to trusts that “mother knows best”. Just like a loving mother will not give an infant what he wants, but instead what he needs, the universe too will bring to you what you need in a timely manner. You may be fixated on a certain request that doesn’t seem to be getting fulfilled, but the universe may be working on giving you something different. This could be something else that you have not even thought of, and may be much better suited to your current life situation. So when you ask for something from the universe tag on to your affirmation, “…this or something better.”

Affirm, "I am open to all possibilities that help me live my highest purpose!"

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