Friday, 6 November 2015

Speaking Your Truth Is Not Detrimental to Your Relationships

When you have to tip toe around someone’s feelings, you begin to silence your own voice. You don’t want to say the wrong thing and upset someone, so you don’t say anything at all. If avoiding the disagreements allows you to be more peaceful, you think you can deal with it. Unfortunately over a period of time not being able to say what you really want to can leave you feeling frustrated and angry. Not communicating is an unhealthy pattern which breeds discontent and eventually rage. Don’t store up your anger inside your body. It is not healthy for your physical or emotional health to store anger within you.

How does your body react to inappropriate behaviour by a person?

There is a tightening in the gut which makes you tense. You are always wound up like a coil ready to spring. The hormones in your body are playing rampage not sure whether they have to fight or take flight. After spending more than a usual amount of time with such a person who angers you or causes you resentment, there is also a good chance that you will end up with a headache. All said and done, when you hold your words in and don’t communicate how you feel, your body is being punished for this.

Vent your anger in an appropriate manner

This does not mean that you should begin shouting back at a person who yells at you. It doesn’t mean that you need to behave in a less than gracious manner if you are not predisposed to it. Throwing temper tantrums may be a great stress buster for some people, but may not be an option for you. So you need to find a way to vent your anger in a way that it no longer causes you harm. There are a few simple things that you can do such as hitting a pillow, holding on to a tree trunk and yelling at the top of your voice, or even just going for a long walk or jog to burn off the edge of that anger. The idea is to allow yourself an outlet where you do not harm anyone else but don’t hold on to the feelings within.

Speaking you truth assertively and maturely in a neutral manner

These anger management techniques may help you deal with the symptoms of anger, but you need to truly eliminate the cause. This means that you need to be able to speak up and let the person know what you like or dislike in their words and actions. Ask for what you want even if you fear that they will not do it. Don’t treat them with kid gloves, all adults are well capable of taking care of themselves. If you are contributing more to the relationship and feel that is unfair, stand up for yourself. If you don’t you are only going to feel more let down, disappointed and rejected. As you begin to speak from your heart in an assertive but loving manner, you will begin to notice the changes in the relationship straight away.

Affirmation –“I speak my truth in public. I behave with love and compassion.”

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