Monday 29 September 2014

How Much Happiness Do You Deserve?

When asked this question most people will not be sure what to reply. Some will say a whole lot, others may say as much as I am destined to get. A few may be dumbfounded as they have no answer to give. The truth is that we control the amount of happiness in our lives with our own thoughts and attitudes. In fact most of us limit the amount of happiness in our lives using unconscious thoughts that come from the limiting beliefs woven into the fabric of our lives.

Recently I was recommended a book called The Big Leap written by author Gay Hendricks. In the book the author explains that we think we deserve only so much happiness and if life threatens to take us above that threshold, we sabotage ourselves. I am yet to read the book, but I was fascinated by the concept it described. I even began to see how I was applying these limiting beliefs to various aspects of my own life. I had set up thresholds in each part of my life and every time I tended to cross over one I would actually sabotage myself. Consider these examples –

Weight Threshold : While I would love to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight somewhere at the back of my head is a barrier. It takes the form of a limiting belief that once a woman gives birth to a child she will always carry a few extra kgs.

Money Threshold : I know I can attract as much money as I wish into my life, but I feel guilty for trying to get more than I feel I deserve. What’s worse, I know I deserve more, but somehow the guilt just doesn’t seem to abate.

Health Threshold : Every time the season’s change I fall ill. Even when I have no wish to, this childhood conditioning thought that my mother used to repeat just stays with me. So when its change of season time, I have get sick.

Happiness Threshold : If you laugh too much you will have to cry. This was a sentence that was commonly spoken in our home when I grew up. Even today I feel worried when I am laughing too loud or too long. I wonder what will happen to make me cry next.

We should not feel worried about being happy. No one wants us to fall sick. As children of the universe we can draw as much abundance we want into our lives. Then…

Why do we put up barriers to our own happiness? Mostly it is because we don’t even know we are doing it. No one would purposefully keep abundant health and wealth away from their lives. However how many of your own limiting beliefs and barriers are you actually aware of?

For your own good do this exercise. Make a list of any limiting beliefs that act as barriers to the flow of abundance into your life. Now challenge each of these barriers and visually watch them crumble leaving a free flowing path from the abundance of the universe to your self.

Affirm : Only the best comes to me!

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