Monday 18 May 2015

Live Your Own Life: Not Other People’s Expectations of Your Life

Do you feel that you are not living your own life, but a part of other people’s? Is every action you take for the comfort and needs or someone else? Is this frustrating you? Then read on to figure out what you can do to reclaim your own life.

 Stay Positive When Others Are Negative

Don’t let the expectations and criticisms of others in your life affect you. They may have a vision or goal of how their lives need to be and your role in it that does not mean that you must accept their vision and forget about your own desires. Yes when it comes to immediate family there has to be some amount of give and take. You will compromise to keep the peace, but only once in a while not all the time. If you agree to everything others say and never get to do what your heart desires, you are setting yourself up for heartbreak.

Pray for Negative Issues You Hear About

Sometimes you feel low and depressed because of the negative things that you hear happening to people around you. Even major natural disasters that cause injury to a large number of people can affect you. The repeated images of victims of the natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis or hurricanes can make you feel down and out even though you have not suffered any physical loss personally. When such things occur, send out a prayer for the well being of the victims and try and return your mind to a more positive framework.

Take Action by Volunteering

There are causes that you would like to take a more active part in, but family circumstances do not allow you to dedicate yourself to these causes completely. In this situation you can still live your own life by taking action through volunteering for the causes close to your heart. You may not have money to spare for an orphanage, but you can go and read the children a story every weekend. You may not have the expertise to help the hearing impaired medically, but you can organize outings for them for fun. No matter what the cause, you can find some way to make a difference in a small way all on your own. Don’t let the people in your life belittle your effort, but be happy about what you were able to contribute.

Look After Your Physical and Emotional Health

If health is lost, all is lost says a popular quote. As long as you are able to physically perform all the duties that you need to for yourself, you are in a good place. Keep your body fit with regular exercise, healthy and nutritious food, as well as lots of sleep at regular times. Besides your physical body’s needs, pay attention to the needs of your emotional and mental health. Ensure that you read new books, watch entertaining and educative videos and expand your horizons. New ideas are a great way to explore the changes that you would like to make.



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