Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Forgive Them for Your Health

There is a lot said about forgiveness as a tool for spiritual growth. By letting go of the resentment and negative feelings associated with “bad” situations from the past, one is able to move on to a lighter, more positive space. When you hold on to resentment you cannot be happy. You can’t manifest quickly with the Law of Attraction because instead of focusing on what you want to attract into your life, you are thinking about all the nasty things someone said to you in the past.

You can’t figure out why you are unconsciously sabotaging all the good in your life, but it all stems from the lack of forgiveness. The accumulation of all this negativity may also take a toll on your own health. There is a tendency for illness to gather in a person who is unable to see the positive aspect of life. That alone should be reason enough for you to let go of the past hurts and resentment by forgiving the people involved and the situation.

How to Forgive Someone You Are Not Speaking With

Many times the person who has caused you to feel hurt will not be on speaking terms with you. You may just never want to talk to them. Or they have moved away to a different city, state, country and you don’t know where they are. They may even no longer be alive. In this situation, you may wonder how you get to do forgiveness work. 

Simple Meditation Solution: One easy way to forgive someone in this category is to go into a meditative state and first connect with your own Higher Self. Here you clarify your intention to forgive the soul who has hurt you. Now let your Higher Self connect with the Higher Self of the person who you wish to forgive. As you feel the energy body of their Higher Soul say that you forgive them for all the transgressions that they have made. Make sure that you speak from the heart and if you like you may even say these words out loud. Speak as long as you wish and when you are ready to leave, bless the Higher Soul of the other person and travel back to your present space.

This is a simple but powerful meditation which you can repeat as often as you like with the same person, or even with different people at different times. The idea is to clear all the negative feelings that you are hanging on to in your soul’s energy body.

Using Affirmations for Forgiveness : You can even use this simple affirmation from Louise Hay when you do mirror work if you don’t want to dwell on a single individual or instance. Here is a single affirmation which encompasses all the past events without dredging up any negativity while you speak it out loud. You can choose to use this one or make up a more personalized version for yourself.

Affirmation : “I forgive everyone in my past for all perceived wrongs. I release them with love.”

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