Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Changes to Make in the New Year

The New Year is actually nothing more than a date on the calendar for most of us. When we consider that there is a separate Hindu calendar, a Parsi calendar, a solar calendar and a lunar calendar, which are followed by different sections of society, this additional New Year is nothing all that special. Unless we actually do something with the New Year that the Roman calendar is giving us.

 As with just about everything else that is a part of our lives, even the time marked by the upcoming New Year is totally under our control. How we choose to spend the days, weeks and months ahead will determine just how special or ordinary this coming year will be. This time round, why not make a commitment to become a better version of yourself and attract a more positive, fulfilling life.

Let’s Make a Workable Plan

Are you sure you want this coming year to be bigger and better than the one that just went by? Then you are going to need two things – A good, well thought out plan and the commitment to stick to this plan. The fact is that just about everyone I know makes up resolutions on the eve of New Year, and just as easily forget about all these great ideas and thoughts within a few weeks. By the end of January people even have trouble remembering the resolutions they had come up with.

As it hardly makes sense to make resolutions that we do not plan on working towards, we are not going to make any resolutions that we can’t keep. Instead we are going to come up with a solid plan to make very specific improvements to different parts of our lives. These will be tiny steps that you feel you can easily accomplish. For instance, you have wanted to lose weight but resolving to join a gym or workout program is just not working out for you. This time you will make a simple but solid plan to exercise exactly five minutes in the day.

Keep it Flexible to Build Upon

Now once you accomplish the small step you have set for yourself, and trust me you will, it is time to move on to the next tiny step. For instance along with five minutes of exercise in the day, you can add drinking a glass of green tea, or maybe eating a fruit to your daily diet. The idea is to keep the step so small that it can be easily established into your daily routine with a little forethought.

Don’t beat yourself up if it doesn’t happen quite as smoothly as you would like. There are bound to be some days when you may miss a step. That doesn’t matter as much as making sure that the next day you are back to it. When you are comfortably handling these two steps for about a week, add the next step. It could be anything that you know will make a difference to your health in the long term, including a five minute guided meditation.

If at any time you feel discouraged and feel that such tiny steps are never going to make a big difference, think about the fact that even the ocean is just made up of tiny drops of water.

Affirmation – “I am ready to manifest and welcome my improved self, one tiny step at a time, into the real world.

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