Friday, 29 January 2016

What is Meditation?

These days everyone wants to meditate, but doesn’t know how to start or if they do meditate, if they are doing it right. The reason everyone is running confused about this new age solution to all ills, is that no one knows what meditation means to them. To different people it can mean different things. If you take a scientist he will tell you how meditation helps the brain shunt between hemispheres. 

A management consultant will let you know with no uncertainty that meditation is the number one stress management technique out there. An artist will say that meditation is what allows him to find creative insights or inspiration for their work. While a spiritual seeker would choose to view meditation as a way to access the higher self or even God. 

What Does Meditation Do?

Just as people differ in their opinion of what meditation is, they also seem to have a problem trying to figure out what the best meditative practices are. That’s because no matter how different and often conflicted their notions of what meditation does for them, most of what they say they have experienced due to meditation is true. Meditation will lower your stress, just as much as it is likely to give you creative inspiration to work on. 

Yes, the way you meditate will make a difference as will the intention with which you go about said meditation. We meditate to find meaning in our lives the way we see it. Meditation is a highly personal process because you are looking at connecting to your own inner power, higher self, potential desires and intimate feelings. So naturally you will be looking at a whole lot of self love coming into play when you set aside time to meditate.

How Should You Meditate?

No two people in the world are absolutely alike and no single meditation process can claim to work for both of them. This is why there are so many meditation techniques. Some prefer to be with their own thoughts and work through emotions silently. Others prefer to blank out all thoughts and focus on a single mantra or an affirmation that they keep repeating to themselves. There are people who meditate to beautiful soothing music, so that they can blank out any other stimulus. 

Then there are those who wish to be guided by someone else’s voice into a deeper meditative state where they can let go and relax totally leaving the responsibilities of coming out to meditation to the person guiding them. The only way you can know for sure what type of meditation suits you best is to try them out and see what resonates with you and your needs. 

Just like with communicating with you higher self, there is no right or wrong way to meditate. There are only ways that you enjoy meditating, and those that you don’t. The truth is that anyone can develop their own meditation techniques and benefit from them deeply, as long as you set a strong intention about how and why you are meditating to begin with.

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