Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Love Yourself Enough to Count Your Blessings

Ever so often we get bogged down in all the things that seem to be going off track in our lives that it is simple to forget all the things that are going right. The truth is we forget to love ourselves, we forget that we have so much more to be thankful for than what seems to be going wrong. One of the easiest ways to remind yourself that you are truly blessed is to write down all the good things that happen to you every day in a Gratitude Journal. 

Making a Gratitude Journal

It does not have to be something very elaborate with a pretty cover and expensive to boot. It can be a regular yearly diary, a simple spiral notebook or even just a word document on your computer. A Gratitude Journal needs to be something that is full of positive words and thoughts and makes your heart lighten the minute you pick it up. The idea is to reiterate to yourself that you are blessed, that good things happen to you often and that you are in the flow of the universe. This helps you manifest better with the Law of Attraction as well.

What is a Blessing?

Now blessings may mean different things to different people, just as the definition of happiness and success changes from person to person. Here for the purpose of our Gratitude Journal we are merely going to write about anything that gives you a positive vibration. Write down all that you were grateful for at the end of the day. Write about things that made your day easier, or just appreciate a person or situation that helped you. Reread the journal every time you feel overwhelmed with life to see how much you have to be happy about.

Specific Areas to Focus on

There are a few areas that everyone has some amount of focus on and you should make regular entries in your Gratitude Journal about them. These may include your body and health, your family and close relations, your career progression, your financial growth, your spiritual or personal growth, your travel and fun activities. As always, these are just starting points and you can expand on these guidelines to include things that really matter to you. As you begin to write down your gratitude daily you will also begin to Heal Your Life without realizing that you are doing so.

Gratitude is a pillar of spirituality that you can never go wrong with. By acknowledging the good that happens to you daily, you are setting up vibrations to receive more good into your life in the future. So why not show true gratefulness for all that you have instead of comparing yourself and your material possessions with those of others around you who seem to have more. Become the positive vibe that people go to when they feel low to perk themselves up. As you motivate others to become a better version of themselves, you bless them as much as you bless yourself.

Affirmation: I express gratitude for all the wonderful things in my life and the great things that are coming my way.

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