Monday, 14 March 2016

Training to Win: Finding Success

Is it possible to condition yourself in such a manner that you can eliminate all self doubt and begin preparing to receive your success? Yes it is. All you have to do is change the thoughts in your head that tell you that you can’t do it and suddenly you will begin to experience synchronicity that allows you to achieve whatever it is you are looking to do. As you fix your mental attitude you will find that suddenly meaningful coincidences are a major part of your life. Luck is nothing more than preparation meeting opportunity. With some work on both your mental and physical preparation you will truly be able to make your own luck.

Practice Saying Affirmations to Train Your Mind

Training your mind to stay on the right track can be a challenging task. Use of affirmations makes it easier for us to do this. You can hardly be seen going into self doubt if you are continuously saying to yourself, “I see success in everything I do. Small successes build up into large success for me.” Let your critical inner voice understand that success is not some elusive destination at the end of the road. It is the small spurts of progress you make as you undertake the journey. Success is an ongoing process where you build on each previous one in small increments.

Unleash the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

Feel like your repeating affirmation is not really helping your cause when what you need to be successful is more sales? Your subconscious mind is a powerful tool that you can use with great effect. By repeatedly broadcasting the same simple messages related to your success to your subconscious mind you are working on a deep and powerful level. Why do advertisers spend so much money repeatedly on marketing campaigns to make us see the same thirty second video again and again? They know that by repeated blasting of the same message they will be able to influence your subconscious mind into buying what they are selling. Surely you can use the same concept to condition yourself to succeed!

Have Well Defined Goals

Using goals is like using a map. When you get into the car and don’t know the way you can refer to the map and hopefully get to your destination. If your goals are not defined yet think about the end result that you want. Now focus on the simple things that you would need to do to make that result a reality. It is not a couple of big goals that you have to work on, but instead a number of small steps. Along the way the steps may change, allow them that flexibility. As long as you know where you are starting from and where you are headed to, it is alright.

Along the way as you train to win make sure that you are kind to yourself. Allow yourself time off to smell the roses occasionally. Give yourself the same consideration that you would to a hard working employee. Some perks and treats along the road also help keep you motivated and on the training!


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