Monday 6 October 2014

My Best Relationship is the One I Have With Me

Our relationships define us. When asked by a stranger who you are, you will tell them your full name. The first name is yours but the surname speaks of your family. The exention of yourself and all your relationships on this planet comes from that name. It defines your parents, grandparents, siblings, spouse and children. Each relationship in your life, be it in the immediate family or in your friend circle, speaks a little bit about who you are. It gives the stranger a glimpse into the kind of person you may be.

Intimate Stranger

Unfortunately there is one person who even you are unacquainted with despite being with all the time. It is your higher self. This part of you is vibrating at a higher sphere of consciousness and is beautifully connected to the pure energy of the Universal Spirit. It is the part of your soul that connects your gross body with the ethereal reality of the spirit being that you truly are. It is ever present with you for guidance and support, but you are too busy on the lower plane of existence to pay attention to this intimate stranger who lives with you. The good news is that it is easy for you to connect with your higher self. There are no barriers here except the ones put up by your own ignorance. All you need to do is be more aware of what this inner guide is asking you to do and you will see a huge improvement in your life right away.

Trouble in Paradise

If you ever feel that you are not following your life's true purpose, that you seem to be wasting your time in your current job, or that some key relationships are not working out the way you want them to, all you have to do is ask your higher self for guidance.It may seem like an alien concept to ask yourself for help. However you should know that your higher self is wise and well connected to the Universal Spirit. It knows why you have taken this birth on planet Earth and is rooting for you to find and finish your life's true purpose. We usually feel uncomfortable or face problems when we are not on the path that we chose as our destiny before we were born into this current body. The minute you begin to walk the path you were meant to, it becomes an easy journey for you.

Introduce Yourself

Make the effort to introduce yourself to your higher self. It may seem like something amusing at first. After all how do you meet your own self? In this case you need to meditate on your higher self and connect to that part of you which is ever present but hidden.Try and understand what your true life purpose is. Ask for guidance each time you feel confused. Open your heart to the love that you can receive. Leave behind all your barriers and limiting beliefs. Accept the divine wisdom that will flow into your heart and mind as you connect to your higher self. Use affirmations and meditation to make this existing connection stronger and clearer.

Affirm to yourself - My best relationship is the one I have with me

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