Wednesday 19 November 2014

Appreciating the Abundance that Exists

The universe is like a favourite aunt who loves being appreciated for all the joy she spreads. The more appreciative you are of what you already have, the more you will receive to be appreciative about. Now sit back and think when was the last time you individually pointed out your many blessings to yourself and were thankful for them?  If you have been doing regular affirmations and include a general appreciation statement thanking the universe, you would have already felt the difference in your life. However, has it been a while since you offered up your appreciation? Why don’t we take a five minute break from the rest of the things we need to accomplish today and start being appreciative right now?!

If you are reading this article give thanks to the fact that you received an education which allows you to make sense of the letters on this webpage. Thank the universe for the abundance that had blessed your parents’ life allowing them to give you a good upbringing which included an English based education. Now move ahead in time and be appreciative of what all you have in life today. Give thanks for the fact that you have a computer and internet access that allows you to read about what interests you online. Be appreciative of the world of information available at your finger tips. Also appreciate the comfortable chair that you are sitting in, the room and the house that you are able to peacefully live in.

Was that the doorbell that interrupted you? Instead of getting irritated that you were unable to read the article in one go, give thanks that there are people who wish to speak with you. Was it a friend who dropped in unannounced? Be thankful that people seek out your company and care about what you do.  A good support system is essential for a peaceful life. If it was the maid, be appreciative that you have enough abundance to hire a helper. Be thankful for all the chores that she takes care of so that you do not have to work that hard at looking after your home and family. Let her know that you are appreciative of the little extra effort she puts in on some days to make your home a bit brighter.

Be appreciative of the work that you need to do in the home for that means that you have a family that you need to care for. Give thanks for the love that you receive from each individual member of your family, both immediate and extended. Each family has its share of squabbles, but blood is thicker than water and in times of trouble it is nearly always the family that has your back. Give them all your love and appreciation for always being there for you. When you are appreciative of all that you already have, the universe, like that favourite aunt, will feel spurred to give you more things to be appreciative about. 

Affirm to yourself – “I am appreciative of all I have and all that I receive!”



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