Tuesday 2 June 2015

Ways to a Happier Inner Self

The only way to be happy is to make peace with yourself. No matter how many material things you manage to buy, no matter how many people look up to you for financial advice, no matter how many people you look to for approval, if you do not live a life that reflects the truth of who you really are, you will not be happy.

Live Your Truth

Begin with self acceptance. You are made a certain way. Be it physically as a body type, or mentally as a thinking soul. This is the essence of who you are. You can always work on yourself to improve, but accept who you are to begin with. Now acknowledge that you have certain desires, aims, and passions. Remember these are not the goals that have been thrust upon you by your loving family or society. These are the inner self’s desires, what your heart really and truly would like to do. The small things that make you happy and keep you content. Find out what they are and then devote more time to them.

Follow Your Intuitive Guidance

Your higher self, I Am consciousness, or inner soul, no matter what you call it, is a great source of guidance. When you face a doubt about your life purpose, or simply want to know which of the choices facing you is a better option to undertake, call in this inner guidance to come and tell you what you should do. This gut feeling, or intuition is usually the right way to go. Remember it will be a loving feeling and not one that causes you fear. It may challenge you to work harder, do better, but it will never ask you to put yourself in harm’s way. That is not guidance its premonition.

Cultivate Your Talents

Every soul on earth has a special gift from God. A talent which makes it easy for you to do something while others struggle with it. This is a gift that you are here to share with the world. These soul gifts are natural and do not have to be learnt. You can teach them with ease to others who are interested in them. Take the time to honour your talent by honing it. Spend time doing this pleasurable activity and developing it further. The more effort that you give to your talent the more joy and rewards it will bring to you.

Indulge in Self Love

In a society always looking outwards for the next big thing, we forget that the biggest thing is ourselves. Ease out the personal suffering through love. There is truly no greater medication for any sort of conflict that we may face with ourselves or with others. Cull out the drama from your life and show others how much you love them. Stay away from conflicts and make the important people in your life understand that you love them, no matter what they do. Trust that their higher selves will make them behave better straight away. Love yourself and the world will bring back that love to you.

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