Thursday, 16 July 2015

Get off the Treadmill of Life

Most of us are in a tearing hurry. We are rushing off in the morning, hurrying home in the evening and running in between to get to various appointments. It is rather like the hamster in its cage running and running on the little treadmill getting nowhere. For a while it may seem good exercise, but after sometime you begin to question the need to do the same thing every single day with no end in sight. You begin to wonder about what else life has to offer, there must be something else to get excited about! It is only when the hamster gets off the treadmill that he sees what else surrounds him. You may have the power of sight, but do you really see the vision before you?

Slow Down

Trust me, there is no rush. Things get done even when you do them slowly. It is the slowly barbecued potatoes roasted on the coals that have the better flavour when compared to the instant roasted potatoes that you zap in the microwave. When you reduce your pace from frantic to fast you are still going by without noticing the beauty of life around you. So make a conscious effort to slow down your speed, no matter what the activity you are engaged in.

Be More Aware

A natural consequence of slowing down is that you begin to notice a whole lot more around you. Since you don’t have to stare so hard right in front of you all the time, you now can look at what lies on both sides around you. This makes you more aware of things that are happening around you, or patterns that you are repeating in your life. You begin to understand what is happening and why it is so. You begin to think about it all.

Gather Your Thoughts

Thoughts can be very confusing when they run in all directions. Let yourself know that there is no hurry to reach conclusions about all that you are becoming aware of. Thinking about where you are and where you want to actually be is good. However deciding that there is just one way to get there is not good. There is always more than one way to reach your final destination and you need to allow the universe to make it easier for you to reach where you are going. Pick out the most important thoughts that matter to you.

Relax and Accept Yourself

As you sift through your current thoughts you will realize that what you considered important five years ago is not longer as vital to your life as you thought it would remain. It’s a good idea to accept the changes that the years have brought in you. Relax as you try to figure out where you want to head out next. Have a game plan that takes into consideration your current needs and wants. And even as you fix up a new life strategy, remember to stay flexible for the unexpected googly that life may throw at you.

Affirm to yourself –“I am safe. I am standing in my full power. Every change I implement occurs easily and effortlessly. ”



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