Wednesday 22 July 2015

Identify Your Patterns

Life is characterized with habits and patterns. You do something and expect something to happen in return. For instance, when the gardener sows a seed he knows that a seedling will burst forth from the ground after the requisite amount of time if he continues to water the soil and keep it moist. The baker knows that when yeast is added to the dough, the dough will double in size if left alone to ferment overnight and make the bread softer. The orchard owner knows that if he does not pluck the flowers of the tree, he will get to harvest the delicious fruit that is sure to form in just a few weeks time.

 Patterns and habits such as these exist everywhere around us. In the natural environment for sure and in the human world as well. For instance if the children make too much noise, mother will shout at them to tone it down. If a brother cut the hair of his sister’s  favourite doll, she will make sure that his favourite action figure loses its weapon, or some other form or retribution is sure to be forthcoming. If the boss seems unhappy, it is not the best time to present him with the plans for the office picnic because he is sure to refuse it in his present frame of mind. If your friend is feeling unhappy because she broke up with her boyfriend, you are going to take her out and feed her ice cream, or maybe take her out to a movie to make her feel better. 

These are easy patterns that lead you to form habits, but there are some patterns that you are unaware of.  There are some patterns in your life that may not always be in your best interest. For instance never speaking up when a family member bothers you by saying something, just to keep the peace. Trying not to be confrontational even when you know that you are in the right and the other person is in the wrong. Believing that you need to work very hard indeed to attain any measure of financial success. Sabotaging your own goals of weight loss and fitness by over eating or not exercising enough. These are behaviour patterns which do not work for your highest good, but you have them all the same.

They may arise from a number of limiting beliefs that you may have. The trouble is that till you identify your life’s patterns you are not going to be able to identify the limiting beliefs behind them. And a belief is merely a well entrenched thought. No matter how deep rooted a belief may be, it is just a thought which can be changed. By replacing the old limiting belief with a new positively charged affirmation it is possible to literally change the pattern of your life. All you need to begin with is to identify the existing patterns in what you see going wrong in your life. Think about it, what seems to never go right in your life? Now identify the pattern to get to that particular limiting belief.

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