Sunday 23 November 2014

Words Matter : Make Yours Healing Ones

Those familiar with the philosophy of Louise Hay as described in her Heal Your Life workshops are well aware that what words run through your mind and come out of your mouth have a profound effect on your physical body and your life. A set of angry words spoken to you harshly will give rise to turbulent thoughts in your mind. The body also gets agitated and feels a sense of misplaced purpose. Mismatched coordination of limbs may also be a side effect of the distraction you face due to this. A negative word does a lot of harm and that is why even when we frame our affirmations we ensure that we avoid words with negative connotations.

Why are Words Important?

We communicate our thoughts, desires, decisions and feelings using words. The words we use in a situation may change given the mood or state of mind we are in. The ability of words to affect our moods is extremely strong. Words act as magnets to attract whatever they denote into our life. When we hear someone saying “I love you” pleasant hormones race through our mind and body and give us pleasure. The reverse is also true for us when someone criticizes us for our behavior, or appearance. Each word we say is like an arrow shot from the bow that we can never take back. This makes it important to always aim true with the words that we use.

Doctors Agree About the Power of Words

What we have known through instinct and self awareness is now also being documented diligently by the scientific community. Andrew Newberg, M.D. and Mark Robert Waldman write in their book Words Can Change Your Braina single word has the power to influence the expression of genes that regulate physical and emotional stress.” Positive words, such as “peace” and “love,” can alter the expression of genes, strengthening areas in our frontal lobes and promoting the brain’s cognitive functioning. They propel the motivational centers of the brain into action, according to the authors, and build resiliency. Now that we have medical evidence about the power of words, we must strive to keep our words positive and healing.

Making Healing Words a Part of Your Life

It is not difficult to ensure that you always speak encouraging and positive words. The habit of always thinking before you speak will help you catch and eliminate any words that may cause a catastrophic effect on your immediate world. Speak as you would be spoken to and ensure that all conversation comes from a loving heart. This is not to say that you can never criticize anyone or point out glaring faults. If someone is doing harm to themselves or other by using negative words, you must point it out to them. Just do it from a loving heart space and the best words to explain the problem to the person will automatically come to you.

Affirm to yourself – “I always speak loving and healing words.”

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