Tuesday 9 December 2014

Free Will and the Law of Attraction

You are the architect of your own life. If you feel that you are not in charge of what’s happening around you, it’s simply not true.  While the situation may not be one that you appreciate, there is no doubt that your thought processes and attitude are directly responsible for the existence of the life situation that you are in. This is why it’s important for you to ensure that you always think positively about every aspect of your life. Heal Your Life workshops stress on the ability of a person to focus on positive affirmations, no matter what the individual is going through in their current life situation. This coupled with the Law of Attraction ensures that you bring what you wish into your life. 

Listen to Your Guidance

There is no single instance that will help you mould your life into what you wish it to be. This is a constant effort in progress. And every single moment of your life you can tap into guidance from the universe and your higher self which has chosen this life for your soul. You are presented with gentle hints, signs and symbols each day of your life. It is up to you to recognize them for what they are. No matter how bad or good your life situation is today, there is always room for improvement and your guidance will show you what you need to do. Affirm to yourself, “I easily receive guidance from my higher self and the universe.”

Use Free Will Wisely

Free Will is the ability of each individual to choose each action they take. Your higher self can only guide you towards your life purpose, but it is you who must use free will wisely and follow that guidance.  Actually take action based on what you have been shown. Whatever you choose to say or do will have a tremendous effect on your life. If you make the right choices you move towards a fulfilled life which allows you to meet your life purpose and be successful and happy. If you don’t you will always feel somewhat unsatisfied and frustrated with the way your life is. Affirm to yourself, “I use my free will wisely to follow my life purpose.

Harness the Power of the Law of Attraction

Just as the laws of chemistry and physics exist to regulate our knowledge of science, we have another set of metaphysical laws that regulates our souls. While some people may not believe in things like Karma, others know from experience that the concept holds true. Whatever action you take in the past has a reaction in the future. Not for nothing do they say that the crimes of the father are visited on the son. There is a lot of skepticism over the working of this law. Critics say that if things were so simple that we could have everything we desired, why is there any ill health or misery in the world.

Proponents say that to use the Law of Attraction effectively one has to be open to the universe providing for us. There has to be no doubt that what we ask for will be granted. You must use positive affirmations and visualization to ensure that what you wish for is clearly communicated to the universe. Plus there must never be an immediate doubting thought to follow your wish saying that there is no way that the universe can make this happen.  It’s only when there is faith mixed with desire that the universe is able to bring to us what we need.

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